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哀愁のある壮大なエンディングテーマ風のバラード。Synthesizer VのRyoを使用しているが、余りにも自然すぎて初めて聞かせた人は誰も打ち込みの歌だとわからなかった。

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哀愁のある壮大なエンディングテーマ風のバラード。Synthesizer VのRyoを使用しているが、余りにも自然すぎて初めて聞かせた人は誰も打ち込みの歌だとわからなかった。

Event] Music Box of Memory

A distant memory lost when I was a child. A family that was kind to me.
A childhood friend whose face I can no longer recall. The view of the city from a meadow at dusk.
Those days to which I can no longer return.

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The Abysswalker

Usual battle music with violins.
The electric guitar is not very prominent and is not a hard image.
The title is from a legend about a certain hero.

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[Conventional Combat] War Maiden in the Dead City

This is a battle BGM of violin and guitar rock in pursuit of melancholy.
The length is a little long for a normal battle for a tour de force, and there is a lot of development.
It could be used as a theme for the latter half of the story or for a specific character.

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Grim Determination

A speedy violin and guitar rock normal battle BGM.
It has a "Falcom feat. tri-Ace" kind of groove.